By completing this Award you will be able to perform at least eight of the following skills
a width is equivalent to 8 metres
- Jump into water of at least full reach depth and swim 25 metres without touching the side or bottom of the pool.
- Surface dive in water of at least full reach depth demonstrating good technique.
- Perform a forward somersault using a push and glide if necessary.
- Swim breaststroke or front crawl for 25 metres showing good technique.
- Swim backstroke for 25 metres showing good technique.
- Scull head first for 5 metres and return sculling feet first.
- Swim a minimum of 5 metres using a dolphin leg action.
- Swim two widths of any stroke including a ‘correct’ turn complying with Swim England expected standards.
- Enter water of at least full reach depth and tread water for 20 seconds followed by a 25 metres swim.
- Swim 5 metres underwater.