The outcomes of this Award should be performed without goggles and light clothing (shorts and t-shirt)

  1. Perform a fall in entry.
  2. Float on the back for 60 seconds without floatation equipment and explain why this is important.
  3. Tread water for 30 seconds without floatation equipment.
  4. Perform a rotation of 360 degrees whilst treading water without floatation equipment.
  5. Signal for help whilst treading water without floatation equipment.
  6. Swim on the front for 10 metres, log roll onto the back and then rest for 60 seconds; return to an upright position to tread water.
  7. Swim 10 metres on the front, log roll and swim 10 metres on the back to a floating object.
  8. Swim for 10 metres towards the side of the pool using long arm front paddle (survival stroke).
  9. Fully submerge to the pool floor; rhythmically bounce from the pool floor to the surface to take a breath; re-submerge. Repeat four times.
  10. Demonstrate the Heat Escape Lessening Position (HELP) with a floating object.
  11. Climb out from the side, without using the steps.
  12. Recite and show understanding of the four key water safety messages:

Always swim in a safe place. Always swim with an adult.
If you fall in, float, breathe, relax. If someone else in trouble, call 999