The outcomes of this Award should be performed in water of at least full reach depth, without goggles and in full length clothing (trousers/long sleeved top)
- Perform a straddle entry.
- Complete a circuit of submerging and resurfacing under or through objects and collecting an object from floor. The circuit must include at least one head first and one feet first surface dive.
- Tread water for two minutes without floatation equipment rotating 360 degrees once.
- Float for 90 seconds, without floatation equipment with minimal movement in simulated rough/moving water.
- Swim a distance of 200 metres.
- Swim 50 metres using a recognisable stroke to a floating object then stop in deep water and signal for help.
- Perform the Heat Escape Lessening Position (HELP) for three minutes with a lifejacket/Personal Floatation Device (PFD).
- Perform the Huddle Position with at least three other participants without floatation equipment; rotate and signal for help.
- Climb out from the side, without using the steps or rail or any other assistance.
- Perform a shout and signal rescue.
- Share at least three facts about the effects of cold water shock and show understanding of how to manage its effects.
- Give two examples of local hazards and how to minimise risks when around them.