
Dolphins Policies


A number of policy decisions relating to the operation of the Watchet Dolphins have been made over the years.  These are not prescriptive but are guidelines to maintain safety and outline some of the activities of the Dolphins

The TEACHER/ORGANISER is Jim Butterworth and is referred to as such below:

The Dolphins swimming groups meet every week throughout the year (including school holidays) subject only to illness or other absence of the Organiser or pool closure.  At a busy time for everyone, there is a two week break over Christmas and the New Year

CHILDREN of all ABILITIES are welcomed.  Although some sessions are very full, waiting lists are kept to a minimum, particularly for non-swimmers.  Dolphins operate an equal opportunities policy.

The Organiser will teach and enter children for Swim England Awards up to Swim England Learn-to-Swim stage 7 depending upon their progress and abilities.  More advanced awards are given for children beyond LTS Stage 7

The Organiser has responsibility for the SAFETY and SECURITY of the child entrusted to his care whilst in the Pool enclosure only.  It is the parental responsibility to ensure that they are satisfied of the safety of the child on the way to and from the lessons and in the Entrance Room.

It is the responsibility of the parent to advise the Organiser of any MEDICAL or other problemswhich might affect the safety of the swimmer.

SESSION COSTS are currently £6.00 per visit (April 2022) and include the cost of any awards won; please pay in advance by Bank Transfer or Paypal.  Sessions normally include a short "free play" time.

As a general recommendation, children progress noticeably better if they have  two sessions a week  - it gives them less time to forget in between!  A very few can benefit from more if it appears beneficial to their development.   See the lessons page for details of the lessons on offer.

PARENTS/CARERS are very welcome to stay and watch.  If parents are not to be present for any reason, it is for the parent to be satisfied that their child(ren) are happy with the arrangement.

PARENTS are asked not to hold conversations on the poolside - it is distracting for the teacher and for the children.

PARENTS are responsible for the behaviour of all their children, including those not in the water.  Please ensure they do not cause damage or problems to other users.

No form of jewellery (including watches) is permitted in the water - please remove in the changing-rooms or better still, leave at home.

Usual pool safety measures (e.g.  no running, no diving etc) will be enforced.

The Dolphins follow the A.S.A.  recommendations for CHILD PROTECTION.  Complaints or concerns in the first instance to the Organiser.  If the complaint is about the Organiser, or it is felt the Organiser is not the right person to deal with the problem then the School procedures shall be followed through their Child Protection Officer contactable through the Head Teacher at Knights Templar School, Liddymore Road, Watchet.

Photography:  We do not object to relatives taking photographs/videos of their own children in the pool setting.  Once a year, the local Swimathon photographs the teams "for the record" and very occasionally photographs may appear in local newspapers.  If you do not wish your child to be photographed, please let the Organiser know.

*  No food or drink at any time in the pool hall or changing-rooms.
*  Shoes should be left in the entrance room.
*  Take care not to drop shampoo or talcum on the floor.
*  Please let me know if the pool or changing-rooms are dirty when you arrive.
*  Please keep children not swimming under control and within the confines of the pool building

IN SHORT: Please ensure you leave the pool as you would wish to find it.  Please inform the Organiser of any misbehaviour, accidents or equipment failures so they may be attended to as soon as possible.

Please try to arrive not more than 5 minutes before lessons as this can lead to playing about and annoyance to other users.  Disruptive children will be warned and if necessary their actions reported to their parents/carers.   We only hire the pool and conservatory from the school; Parents are reminded that children not in the water must be under control and are not permitted to enter school grounds.

Persistent disruptive behaviour can result in suspension or exclusion from the Dolphins

The Dolphins pursue an ongoing policy of liaison and co-operation with local COMPETITIVE CLUBS, as a natural progression for those who wish to continue swimming to a more advanced level.  It is expected - and a courtesy - for parents to advise the Organiser of any other swimming sessions being attended (other than School and family sessions).  It is not good practice, and can be confusing, to have more than one teacher - after all, children don't attend two schools?

Please note that, should children subsequently dive elsewhere, the responsible person should be made aware at the outset that the Dolphins do not teach or examine the Competitive Start or any diving awards.

Although we do our best, nothing can be perfect and the organiser is always prepared to discuss the PROGRESS of your CHILD or suggestions for improvement of the Dolphins - but please not on the poolside! (see telephone number below or best to email me).

Jim Butterworth, Organiser Tel: 01643-821461  or  email me 

revised March 2000; revised June 2001; minor revisions March 2002; session cost increased January 2005; minor revisions July 2008; minor revisions July 2012; session cost increased January 2014; new layout for mobile use January 2015; minor changes following closure of St James' Pool July 2016; session cost increased September 2018 and April 2022; minor revision July 2022